Concierge Services
Care Tailored to You
Medicina para adultos
• Exámenes fÃsicos anuales
• Exámenes de autorización preoperatorios
• Manejo de enfermedades crónicas: diabetes, presión arterial alta, colesterol elevado, tiroides
trastorno, asma, EPOC, alergias, migrañas y mucho más. . .
• Evaluación del dolor articular y muscular
Atención aguda/urgente
• Absceso I&D (incisión y drenaje)
• Esguince/esguince
• Infeccion de las vias respiratorias altas
• Reparación de laceraciones menores (pegamento/suturas/grapas)
• Eliminación de suturas/grapas
• UTI, exacerbación del asma y mucho más. . .
En el procedimiento de oficina:
• Urine analysis, Urine pregnancy test
• Nebulizer treatments
• Ear wax removal
• Glucose finger stick, covid test.
* Costs for labs, pathology, imaging and medication not included in membership.
Our Pricing Is Simple
Our value-based membership model, allows us to create a personal relationship with each of our patients. We focus on spending time with you to understand your health and wellness goals. Build a long-term relationship with your doctor and thrive!
Non - Members Rates
- Onsite and remote services are available to non-members on a fee for service basis.
- Payment is required at the time of service, monthly membership with at least 6 months commitment with automatic renewal at the end of the 6 months if not cancelled.
A cancellation fee of $200.00 will be applied if the membership is cancelled before the 6 months.
The company reserves the right to cancel a membership at any time.
-Annual health physical (not including labs): $200.00
-If you want a more personalized concierge service, with 24h access to your Doctor and social rounding if you are hospitalized, please call the office for more details.