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Concierge Services

Care Tailored to You

Supportive Doctor

Medicina para adultos

• Exámenes físicos anuales
• Exámenes de autorización preoperatorios
• Manejo de enfermedades crónicas: diabetes, presión arterial alta, colesterol elevado, tiroides
trastorno, asma, EPOC, alergias, migrañas y mucho más. . .
• Evaluación del dolor articular y muscular

Doctor and Patient

Atención aguda/urgente

• Absceso I&D (incisión y drenaje)
• Esguince/esguince
• Infeccion de las vias respiratorias altas
• Reparación de laceraciones menores (pegamento/suturas/grapas)
• Eliminación de suturas/grapas
• UTI, exacerbación del asma y mucho más. . .

Doctor Check-Up
Dermatology Consultation
Ear Exam
Annual Check-up

En el procedimiento de oficina:

• Urine analysis, Urine pregnancy test
• Nebulizer treatments 
• Ear wax removal

• Glucose finger stick, covid test.



* Costs for labs, pathology, imaging and medication not included in membership.

Our Pricing Is Simple

Our value-based membership model, allows us to create a personal relationship with each of our patients. We focus on spending time with you to understand your health and wellness goals. Build a long-term relationship with your doctor and thrive!

Non - Members Rates

- Onsite and remote services are available to non-members on a fee for service basis.
- Payment is required at the time of service, monthly membership with at least 6 months commitment with automatic renewal at the end of the 6 months if not cancelled.

 A cancellation fee of  $200.00 will be applied if the membership is cancelled before the 6 months.

The company reserves the right to cancel a membership at any time.
-Annual health physical (not including labs): $200.00

-If you want a more personalized concierge service, with 24h access to your Doctor and social rounding if you are hospitalized, please call the office for more details.


Ready to Feel Your Best Every Day?

Let our healthcare team create a personalized plan just for you.

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